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IVA's Smart Industry

Through IVA’s Smart industry project the Academy wants to stimulate digital transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises by, for example, highlighting and sharing good examples. The project originates from Smart industry – a new industrialisation strategy for Sweden (Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications 2015) and mainly operates through the Smart Industry competition.

About the project

IVA's Smart Industry

Duration: 2016-2024

Funding providers and partners: Siemens, Scania, Teknikföretagen, Automation Region, AB Volvo,  iHUB, KTH - Campus Södertälje, Tillväxtverket, WASP et al.

The project started in 2016, based on the idea of ​​drawing attention to the digitalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises through a competition. Today, digitalisation is increasingly a natural part of daily operations. But the differences between companies are significant, and the challenges to succeed many.

Digitalisation is a prerequisite for a sustainable transformation of Swedish industry. The project IVA's Smart Industry works to stimulate the digitalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs, and contribute to strengthening Swedish industry's competitiveness and green transition.


Monica Sannerblom



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