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IVA's privacy policy

In this privacy policy, we describe what personal information we collect about our members of the academy, members, customers, those who visit our webpages and others who may have participated in or shown interest in the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA's activities, how and why we collect and use the information and how we protect your rights and fulfill our obligations in accordance to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Collection, storage, compilation, sharing and other processing of personal data are governed by General Data Protection Regulation. In Sweden “Datainspektionen” supervises the regulation. Personal data is data that can be linked to an actual person, such as name, address, e-mail address.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA has the right to change this privacy policy at any time. In the event of minor changes, the adjusted privacy policy is published on www.iva.se with information on when the changes came into force. In case of significant changes, we will inform you via the contact information we have, preferably by email. 

Data collector

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA is the data collector. Data collector refers to who determines the purpose of handling personal data and how its processed. This means that we are responsible for handling your personal data in accordance with laws and regulations. Contact information regarding data collector the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences can be found at the end of this privacy policy.

What personal data do we handle?

For those who are part of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA's network we collect and keep contact information (including name, title, date of birth, gender, home address, telephone number, interest areas, IVA assignments and e-mail address) and information about your contacts with us.

We also save some e-mail and other written communication we receive from you, including feedback you give us about our activities, project proposals, elections and other information useful to our operation or our service to you.

If we receive information from you when you participate in any of our activities, surveys or general questions, we will save that information.

We also register information about persons, including CV or equivalent, that are relevant in our work regarding scholarships, prizes and elections to the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. We motivate this personal data processing by its necessity for purposes of our legitimate interest and that this do not override the registered interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.

We photograph and film most of our open events. The material from such events is used in communication and information material about the event and our activities.

Why and how do we use personal data?

Contact information, information about your participation and the information we receive from you is primarily processed to manage your relationship with us and deliver the service you expect. It includes managing your participation and orders, sending correct invoices and communicate with you in the context of your relationship with us and providing you with necessary assistance and information. With the help of the data we can also analyze, adapt and improve our communication with you.

We also use personal data, especially image material in the form of lectures, debates and quotes in our communication about our operation. We always try to make sure that you are given the opportunity to review the publication of these personal data and footage when you are clearly exposed.

We also handle information, such as names and email addresses, from external partners in order to create new contacts with people we may think would like to know more about our activities.

How long do we save the data?

We save the personal data as long as it is necessary for the purposes described in the above section or to comply with applicable laws. This means that the storage time for different types of tasks may vary. We save contact information about you as long as you are a member of the academy, member of any of our networks or as long as you show interest or are expected to be interested in our activities. This includes some information about your interests and contacts with us. Customer information is stored for at least one year after your last contact with us and personal information regarding payments for seven years.

With whom do we share information?

Third parties perform services to the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA and helps us with administration and delivery of services, such as mailing. Such third parties may access information for the same purposes as described above.

In such case, we sign necessary agreements to insure that the their work ensures equal security.

If required by law or by court order or if necessary to investigate suspected violations of our operations, relevant information may be disclosed to authorities or other legitimate parties.

If you are a member of the academy or member of any of the IVA's organs, other members also have access to the contact details, name, email address, phone number, image and interest areas provided to us. The information is available to you and other members, members of the IVA Business Advisory Board and other IVA bodies in logged-in mode on www.iva.se. Contact information is also published in the printed Matrikel, latest issue 2015-2016.

If you participate in any of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA's mentor or internship programs or apply for scholarships and prizes via us, websites or information connected to that activity may contain specific information about personal data processing.

How do we protect the data?

We work systematically with information security. We take technical and organizational security measures to protect the stored personal data against unauthorized access and use.

If we share personal information with third party players, we require equivalent security measures from them.

Those who have login to www.iva.se are responsible for keeping the login information (username and password) safe.

Transparency, changes and deletion of personal data

It is important that personal contact details we register are correct and up to date. If you change your address, phone number or email address, we appreciate if you contact us as soon as possible so that we can update our data. You have the right to know what of your personal data we have registered, by posting or emailing a request.

You can also choose whether to receive news, invitations and surveys from us. Contact information can be found in our mailings or at the bottom of this page. You also have the right to be deleted from our records if any of the data protection (GDPR) reasons for deletion are applicable.

How we use cookies on our website

When you visit our websites, we automatically register your IP address and so-called cookies.

At www.iva.se we use sessioncookies to identify the session between client and server, as well as to collect statistics how visitors navigate the web site. If you do not accept cookies, you can turn off cookies in your browser's security settings. You can also set up the browser so that you get a question every time the site tries to place a cookie on your computer. Through the browser, previously stored cookies can also be deleted. See the browser's help pages for more information.

Contact details

If you have any questions or any other reason to contact us regarding this privacy policy, please use the following contact information:

Data collector


Data collector
The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA
Box 5073
102 42 Stockholm

In force May 25, 2018