Astronaut Marcus Wandt, one of this year's Thulin medallists

The Aviation and Aerospace Engineering Association (FTF) and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) have awarded this year's Thulin Gold Medal to Swedish astronaut Marcus Wandt. Engineers Daniel Eckerström and Roy Kihlén are awarded silver medals for their efforts in the development of fiber optic temperature measurement systems, which have contributed to increasing safety in civil aviation.

clouds in the sky and small airplane

Medal and Marcus

"Rewarding Marcus Wandt with a gold medal feels very good! He has a fantastic aeronautical background. Not just as an astronaut. He is basically an engineer and fighter pilot and has also worked as chief test pilot at Saab where he has helped develop the JAS Gripen", says Håkan Seipel, chair of the Thulin committee that appointed this year's medallists.

An ambassador for Sweden as an aviation and space nation

Marcus Wandt receives the award for his efforts in Swedish and international aviation and space technology activities. On January 18 this year, he became the third Swede, after Christer Fuglesang and the Swedish-American astronaut Jessica Meir, to be launched into space. For seventeen days he was on the international space station ISS, where he participated as a subject in about 30 research projects focusing on how the human brain and body are affected by longer stays in space.

In combination with his contribution to the development of the JAS Gripen, Marcus Wandt's work has had great significance for Sweden's reputation as an aviation and space nation.

Marcus Wandt is 43 years old, and has a background as a fighter pilot and flight engineer with a focus on electrical engineering. In 2022, he was selected for the European Space Agency's (ESA) astronaut programme. He has previously worked in the Air Force and as chief test pilot at Saab, where he has been involved in the development of the JAS Gripen.

Two silver medalists have contributed to increased flight safety

The 2024 Thulin Medal in silver is awarded to Daniel Eckerström and Roy Kihlén who together have developed fiber optic temperature measurement systems for aircraft, which has resulted in increased flight safety, simplified maintenance and reduced weight. The technology can be found in both Airbus and Saab's aircraft today.

The medals will be awarded at the Swedish Aerospace Association's annual meeting on May 16, 2024. 

The Thulin Medal

The Thulin Medal was established in 1944 in memory of the aviation pioneer and industrial leader Enoch Thulin (1881-1919), who helped lay the foundation for aeronautical research and the manufacture of aircraft and aircraft engines in Sweden. 

The Thulin medal is available in three denominations: gold, silver and bronze. Medalists are appointed by the Flyg- och rymttekniska Föreningen. FTF's decision on gold and silver medals must be submitted to the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) for approval. 

The Thulin Medal front and back