How to apply for a scholarship from the Hans Werthén Foundation

Each scholarship is for a year of scientific work at the postdoc or doctoral candidate level, or for MBA or LL.M studies in an advanced international setting. We are currently accepting applications, with a deadline of 7 March 2025.

Who can apply?

You are about 25–35 years old and must have a university degree, preferably a PhD, or a Master’s as a minimum, in the fields of engineering/sciences or economics/law. You should also have been engaged in some form of related activity after graduation, preferably research activity or private sector experience in which you have developed your expertise.

The purpose of the scholarships is to give young university graduates an opportunity to develop in another country and then return home with new knowledge and experiences that they can apply in industry, business or academia in Sweden.

The scholarships are for young people in the fields of engineering, sciences, leadership, economics and law. Each scholarship is for a year of scientific work at the postdoc or doctoral candidate level, or for MBA or LL.M studies in an advanced international setting. 

The scholarship amount is SEK 100,000–400,000. 

What should the application include?

The application should consist of a fully completed online form, including attachments. Required attachments:

  • A CV.
  • A cover letter describing your plans and goals for your stay abroad (max. two A4 pages). Here, you are to describe what you have been doing since you graduated, explain your plans and the reason for your stay abroad, as well as the motives for your choice of location. Include a brief description of your project or activity plan. Also include a concrete explanation of what you hope to achieve during your stay abroad, preferably including the relevance in the context of your particular industry. MBA applicants should also provide an account of their leadership experience. A mention of what you would like to do after the scholarship period ends is also appreciated. (A brief, publishable summary of this cover letter is also required on the online form.)
  • Certified copies of your diploma/s.
  • Admission notice. (Can be added later).
  • At least two letters of recommendation. (May be sent separately.)
  • Detailed cost estimate with proposed financing plan for the stay according to budget template.

Important assessment criteria

The selection process takes place in a climate of great openness and consideration for the specific ambitions of each applicant. Important selection criteria are the applicant’s educational and work qualifications to date as well as goals and plans for the stay abroad. The selection will also be based on the overall impression of the applicant gained from the application and references, and the nature of the planned stay abroad.

Please note that an initial assessment is made based solely on the information on the application form. Fill it out carefully — it is important that your application provides a good representation of you and your qualifications, even without the attached documents.

Other scholarships?

If you have applied for and receive, or have already received, a supplementary scholarship for the same purpose from another source, you are required to inform the Hans Werthén Foundation of the amount.

The application process

The application, including its attachments, is submitted through an application form on this website. Please note that the online application form must be completed in full on one occasion.

Certain attachments can also be submitted later via e-mail to Attachments coming from a third party can also be sent by post to the address:

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
Hans Werthén Foundation
Box 5073
102 42 Stockholm

The Foundation accepts applications once a year. We are currently accepting applications, with a deadline of 7 March 2025.

Apply here (application form in Swedish)

The selections are made at the Foundation’s board meeting in May. Application forms will be saved for up to one year and will only be returned if requested by the applicant.

Since 1990, the Hans Werthén Foundation has awarded a total of 61 million SEK to 511 scholarship recipients.

All about the Hans Werthén Foundation