Mentor4Innovation is an annual mentoring programme offered to Wallenberg Academy Fellows as the largest private initiative for young researchers in Sweden. The purpose of Mentor4Innovation is to increase the ability of Swedish research to innovate over the long term, by giving this group of leading young researchers a hand-picked mentor.

Mentor4Innovation is based on best practice, applying 10 years of experience from IVA’s Mentor4Research programme and further developing it specifically for the researchers on the Wallenberg Academy Fellows scheme. Based on each researcher’s interest and long-term goals, the programme offers different innovation directions, from Societal Impact to Commercialisation.
On this prestigious programme, innovation-oriented mentors with relevant backgrounds, experience and personal networks are recruited based on each researcher’s individual needs and focus.
The programme, which runs for just under a year, begins in the autumn and concludes with a workshop for researchers late in the following spring.
About Wallenberg Academy Fellows
Wallenberg Academy Fellows is the largest private scheme for young researchers in Sweden. In addition to providing the leading young researchers with long-term resources, so that they can concentrate on their research, the programme helps to boost the internationalisation of the Swedish research environment.
Financed by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the programme has been established in close collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), the Royal Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture, the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, the Swedish Academy and the Swedish universities. The universities nominate researchers for the programme, and the academies assess the candidates and present the most promising researchers to the foundation, which then makes the final selection. Since the programme launched in 2012, the Knut and the Alice Wallenberg Foundation has funded the initiative to the tune of almost SEK 2.5 billion in total (Dec 2021).