Global Tech Diplomacy as a Guardrail for AI and Other Disruptive Technologies: challenges, opportunities and solutions
Join us for a conversation on the consequences of the use and abuse of disruptive technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how global tech diplomacy can serve as a guardrail.
Event information
IVA Conference Center, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm
Seminariet sänds digitalt.
Webbinarium: Kostnadsfritt
Seminarium: Kostnadsfritt
Disruptive technologies and AI are fundamentally reshaping the global landscape during the 21st century. These technologies represent a significant departure from traditional industry paradigms and have the potential to drive unprecedented change in various sectors, while also altering the way we live, work, learn and communicate.
However, with the growing importance of AI, questions regarding its governance and policies have come to the forefront. An urgent need exists to determine the roles, responsibilities, and limitations of governments, private industry, and international bodies in shaping AI policy. This seminar seeks to explore the challenges and opportunities arising from disruptive technologies and AI; at individual, country and intergovernmental level.
Mung Chiang, President of Purdue University and IVA Fellow, shares his thoughts on how to preserve and advance individual freedom in the age of AI and data. The concept of MOTA; Minimalism, Optionality, Transparency and Appeal, is reviewed as a global tech diplomacy guardrail for the use and abuse of disruptive technologies such as AI.
The keynote is followed by a panel discussion on disruptive technologies and AI, related to policy challenges, geopolitical shifts, and climate solutions. How should strategies and governance be adapted to the new landscape, both from a corporate perspective and at national and intergovernmental levels? And how can we harness technology to be a solution and not an obstacle for sustainability? To mitigate climate change, while also mitigating the adverse environmental effects and environmental footprint stemming from technologies such as AI?
The seminar is arranged by IVA´s Leadership Programme (IFG).
Mung Chiang (Keynote speaker)
President of Purdue University Fellow of IVA
Carl Bildt
Co-Chair ECFR - European Council on Foreign Relations
Aurore Belfrage
Tech diplomat
Erik Ekudden
Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer and Head of Group Function Technology at Ericsson Fellow of IVA
Maria Rankka, moderator
Fellow of IVA