How to bring a country back from economic collapse – the Zimbabwe experience
Welcome to a seminar arranged by IVA’s Division Economics.
Event information
IVA Konferenscenter, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm
Seminariet sänds digitalt.
Webbinarium: Kostnadsfritt
Seminarium: Kostnadsfritt
Opening and introduction
Professor Fredrik Sjöholm, chair of IVA’s Division Economics.
The economic case of Zimbabwe – what does the figures tell us?
Johan Schück, former senior economic editor of Dagens Nyheter, writer and economic commentator, IVA Fellow. The results are presented by Christian Lindberg.
The economic collapse of Zimbabwe and how we got out of it – and what are our challenges ahead
Priscilla Misihairabwi Mushonge, Zimbabwe’s Ambassador to Sweden, and former member of parliament of Zimbabwe for the opposition.
Commentating on the Zimbabwe case and adding perspectives:
The bigger African economic picture – starting point and scenarios going forwards
Jörgen Levin, senior fellow of The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala and Ass Professor.
The international tool-box – and experiences
Lars Thunell, PhD and former chair of International Finance Corporation within World Bank and former president of SEB and Trygg-Hansa, IVA Fellow.
Panel discussion moderated by Anders Lindberg, deputy chair of IVA and former chair of IVA’s Division Economics.
(Photo of Harare, Zimbabwe by Tatenda Mapigoti on Unsplash)
Hampus Lindh
Teknik och ekonomi
Telefon: 0705 - 66 26 96
E-post: hampus.lindh@iva.se