MindMend is the first researched based digital CBT treatment platform for children, youths and adults with ADHD.
IVAs 100-lista 2019

ADHD affects over 300 million individuals negatively globally. Deficits in concentration, impulsivity, hyperactivity and emotion regulation are core symptoms of ADHD across a life span, with difficulties in important life area’s such as school/work and relationships as a consequence.
A majority of diagnosed individuals only receive medical treatment as the only treatment solution although the effects are not sufficient for around 50% and many suffer from side effects.
Psychological treatment such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is highly recommended in the treatment of ADHD, however, due to low availabilty of trained psychologists, a majority of patient’s never receive CBT and remain untreated with impairing effects on every day function and life quality as a conseqence.
As a solution, Leira’s digital and scalable evidence-based CBT treatments for children, youths and adults with ADHD replaces face to face sessions and can be offered immediately after diagnosis.