Products and services for product-as-a-service
Sweden’s ambitious goal of realizing a circular economy (CE) needs enhanced implementation of product-as-a-service (PaaS) business models, which can potentially double the environmental performance including climate change mitigation.
IVAs 100-lista 2023
Critical to this better implementation are systemic changes between product development and service delivery. However, these changes are challenging to be realized because of the higher complexity than product sales in a linear economy. Therefore, the RE:think project was created to help Swedish manufacturers build capacity for product development and service cost estimation adapted for PaaS.
The project deliverables will be new reference models to be used widely in the Swedish industry. The need of enhanced PaaS for a CE is stark, as demonstrated by a sister project called Scandere that is EU co-funded, involves 12 European front runners, and is coordinated also by the RE:think manager.